turn the music on ! : )

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Negeri Pembaca Mantra

Di tempat ini orang senang sekali membaca mantra. Setiap saat terdengar mantra menggaung – gaung di tepi jalan, di tempat makan, di kamar tidur, di sekolah, dan di setiap sudut kota sampai pelosok kampong terjauh. Pejabat tinggi membaca mantra, rakyat jelata sampai pengemis renta pun membaca mantra yang sama. Ada mantra yang harus dibaca saat hendak makan, saat hendak tidur, saat hendak berpergian, pokoknya hampir setiap hendak melakukan sesuatu, bahkan saat mengetuk pintu rumah orang atau masuk ke toilet. Semua mantra itu harus diucapkan dengan benar, dilafalkan sesuai ejaan yang benar, hati – hatilah jika kau salah membaca, bisa – bisa salah pula langkah yang kau ambil! Bahaya!
Aku ada pendatang, aku tidak mengerti mantra yang mereka ucapkan. Jangankan hafal, tau pun tidak. Bahaya, begitu kata orang. Jika tidak hafal maka aku akan jadi sesat. Ngeri memang. Pernah suatu siang aku datang berkunjung ke rumah tetangga, aku hendak meminjam gergaji untuk memotong kayu. Aku datang, langsung mengetuk pintunya.
“Permisi!” seruku sembari mengetuk pintu.
Sunyi, belum juga pintu dibukakan. Aku mendengar ada orang lalu lalang di dalam rumah. Ah, mungkin mereka tidak mendengar suaraku.
“Permisi!” lagi, aku berseru lebih kencang sambil mengetuk pintu.
Suara langkah – langkah di dalam rumah itu terdengar jelas, tetapi ada satu langkahpun yang terdengar menuju pintu depan. Aku berdiri diam – diam, mencoba menajamkan pendengaranku, kalau – kalau sang pemilik rumah datang untuk membuka pintu. Aku menunggu beberapa saat sebelum mengetuk pintu lagi.
Sekali lagi aku mengetuk pintu sambil berseru. Aku memperhatikan mereka dari jendela kaca di sebelah pintu nampak sedang membaca mantra mengelilingi meja makan. Mereka hendak makan rupanya, tidak seorangpun menoleh ke arah pintu. Mereka semua berlaku wajar, seolah aku tidak ada. Seolah aku tidak pernah mengetuk pintu atau berseru – seru di balik pintu. Apakah mereka benar – benar tidak mendengar? Bagaimana caranya mengetuk pintu di sini? Karena putus asa aku pun pulang. Menunda pekerjaan yang terbengkalai. Mana mungkin bisa memotong batang pohon yang tumbang itu tanpa gergaji! Sial betul!
Ah, orang – orang di ruamh itu! Tiba – tiba aku ingat betapa menyebalkannya mereka. Duduk mengelilingi meja makan yang hanya kurang dari lima meter dari pintu yang aku ketuk dengan keras, masakkan tidak ada satu telingapun yang mendengar? Melirik  ke arah pintu pun tidak! Sungguh terlalu! Ah, ya sudahlah! Lebih baik aku pergi untuk makan di warung ujung jalan, begitu aku mendengar orang menyebut warung makan yang memang ada di penghujung jalan di perkampungan ini.
Aku duduk di meja kayu yang ada di warung makan ini. Memesan makanan dan segelas es teh manis. Langsung aku makan saja makanan karena memang aku lapar. Mata semua orang tertuju padaku, bahkan seorang lelaki paruh baya berpakaian putih yang baru saja turun dari sepeda di depan warung menatapku dengan tajam.
Dia datang kepadaku dengan langkah mantap, mengucapkan sederet mantra yang aku dengar beberapa kali, entah apa maksudnya mungkin artinya permisi atau apa. Semua orang yang tengah makan menghentikan makannya, semua menatap lelaki berbaju putih itu lalu menjawab mantranya dengan sederetan mantra lain yang juga aku tidak mengerti maknanya. Kompak sekali, mereka melafalkan dengan kompak, dengan rima yang sungguh harmonis, sepert paduan suara terlatih. Aku tidak dapat menjawabnya, tetapi aku berdiri dari kursiku dan menyilakan ia duduk. Lelaki itu menarik kursi, lalu duduk dengan anggun, merapikan baju putihnya, entah apa nama bajunya, kemeja kepanjanga begitu mataku menangkap kesannya.
Baru beberap detik lelaki itu duduk, dia sudah mengeluarkan sederet kata – kata dengan anggunnya dia berkata, tetapi menusuk hati. Perkataanya memiliki inti bahwa aku ini orang yang bersalah, kafir atau apalah istilahnya. Aku mendengarkan dengan isi perut yang mendadak menjadi kenyang dan mendidih. Apa – apaan ini? Apa maksudnya? Aku sungguh tidak mengerti!
“Maaf, jikalau Anda tidak keberatan, saya memohono kiranya Anda sudi menunjuk dimana kesalahan saya?”
“Jadi Anda tidak tahu?”
“Sama sekali tidak, Tuan,” suara bergetar karena menahan marah bercampur bingung.
“Anda bertingkah seperti bukan manusia saja,” katanya sedikit angkuh untuk menunjukkan wibawa.
“Makan dengan lahapnya dengan melupakan mantra hendak makan. Sejak kapan seorang manusia makan tanpa berucap demikian?”
Aku tertawa. Hilang sudah marahku, menguap sudah rasa bingungku. Mendadak aku terbahak – bahak sampai hampir menumpah seluruh makanan yang ada di atas meja. Menggelikan sekali. Lelaki paruh baya itu terkejut, mukanya memerah karena marah, merasa terhina. Tangannya mengepal kuat, mungkin dia menahan diri agar tidak menempeleng kepalaku yang dianggapnya kosong melompong.
“Baiklah, saya bersalah. Saya tidak mengerti mantra apapun yang semua orang ucapkan di tempat ini. Ampuni saya, Tuan,” aku berhenti tertawa, mencoba bersikap sesopan mungkin, “Tetapi baiklah Tuan mengajarkan mantra itu kepada saya.”
Lelaki itu menyebut beberapa mantra, yang pertama mantra itu harus aku tirukan. Katanya itu mantra yang membuat aku diterima oleh penduduk di sini. Aku tirukan saja. Dia tersenyum puas, seolah menang mencatatkan satu jiwa dalam buku tagihannya. Selanjutnya dia mengucapkan satu dua mantra dan memberitahuku kapan aku harus mengucapkannya. Aku kesulitan menghafalnya. Bahasa mantra itu sungguh asing bagiku, aku tak mengerti maknanya, bagaimana aku bisa menghafalnya?
“Maaf, Tuan, sungguh sulit menghafalnya. Bisakah Tuan memberi tahu saya makna mantra tersebut?”
“Hush, kurang ajar sekali!”
“Loh? Apa lagi salahnya?” aku melongo bingung.
“Itu kalimat agung yang sakral! Tidak seorangpun boleh memperdebatkan apa artinya. Baca saja, itu akan membawamu dalam kebaikan.”
Aku melongo, lalu kembali tertawa, terbahak – bahak sampai sakit perut dan ingin muntah. Seluruh wajah terasa kaku karena terlalu lama tertawa. Sementara lelaki itu merah padam, tidak lagi bisa menahan amarahnya yang memuncak sampai di ubun – ubun, lalu dia memukul meja dengan keras. Orang – orang yang tadinya mengabaikan menjadi memperhatikan, ada yang berkomentar betapa kurang ajarnya aku, ada yang membaca sebuah mantra entah apa, ada yang terlihat ikut marah, lucunya ada yang tetap makan.
“Beraninya tertawa! Terkutuklah kamu selama hidupmu! Apa yang kamu tertawakan?” katanya dengan kasar.

Aku malah tertawa lagi. Mau bilang apa lagi? Dimana hati dan otak orang - orang ini? Aku sungguh sulit memahami, ah, ya sudahlah lagi pula apa gunanya menanyakan hati pada pembaca mantra? Mereka bahkan tak mengerti apa yang mereka hafal.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Angry Birds: It’s more than the game people play

The icon of Angry Birds (AB) is now famous all around the world. We can find the character of rounded red, yellow, white, or black bird in many products such as balloon, puppet, clothes, and even on the snack or soft drink packaging. The popularity of AB make seems to be a big phenomenon in some commercial industry, and it raises a big question: why does Angry Bird become so popular?
Taking a look at the history of AB will help us to reach the conclusion why the society crazy about this bird icon. AB was actually created as a video game by Finnish computer game developer Rovio Entertainment in 2009. Firstly it is released for Apple’s iOS in December 2009, and then it spread along the Apple’s iOS users which were always increased. Since that time the company provided the AB for smartphones, such as those using the Android operating system and the Black Berry. As the smartphone and any Mac products spread through the society developed to be the part of life style, AB grew along the popularity of those Smartphone and Mac products. The spreading of AB kept increasing through the internet and social media which is also supported by the smartphone with several of operating systems and the personal computer, or note book and net book, which is part of today life style.
The popularity of AB makes the commercial industry produces many kind of AB products. As we can see the AB merchandise, clothes, accessories, and even snacks or soft drink packaging. It makes people from any age levels familiar to AB and place AB as the game all people play, furthermore this phenomenon grows up to be a popular culture.
There are some kinds of AB video games such as the common people know which Angry Birds the Adventure, and the other version of this game such as the Outer Space Angry Birds, Angry Birds in Rio and Angry Birds Holidays. All those versions of AB basically have the same game line; it’s played with the same rules and has many levels to be passed. In this article, we pick two example of AB which is the Outer Space Angry Birds and the Angry Birds in Rio.
To answer the question why AB becomes a phenomenon of pop culture we need to analyze the system of fictional entertainment (Chesebro, 1986). The first thing of the system of fictional entertainment is the leader – centered in AB. This system seems clear in the AB in Rio version, which is actually an adaptation of the Rio de Janaero the movie, an American 3D computer-animated musical comedy film produced by Blue Sky Studios in 2011. The story line of the AB in Rio, is just simply replace the main character of the movie. The AB game characters becomes the main icon that saved the birds locked in the cages. The games is the same with another version of AB, the gamers need to pull the catapult with the AB as the missile to destroy the locked cages so the birds inside the cages be freed.
The second is the mimethic function which represents human real-life experience. In the real life, people will face the problem and need to solve it, beside they also have target in their life. In AB games the gamers need to reach their target which is passed the level. In order to pass the level the gamers needs to release the locked birds (in Rio version) and beat the green pigs (the outer space version), and to do it the gamers need to have a strategy and make a decision about how strong the AB missile shoot and to which area to make the missile work efficiently to release as much as the locked birds and beat up as much as the green pigs. Just like in the real life experience, when people have to solve the problems, they need not only focus on the problems (symbolized with the locked birds and the green pigs), but also the strategy to solve the problem efficiently because in the real life for many times people don’t have so many chances (symbolized by the amount of AB missiles in the games.
The third is the mythic function of entertainment which is clearly seen in the outer space setting of the AB. The outer space setting of the games shows another world which actually doesn’t exist in the outer space, but in the AB the setting makes people imagine that out there is such kind of world, like in the AB, exist above the sky. This outer space setting designed as if the setting were really existed because in the movement in this games set out as if everything were in the vacuum outer space.
The fourth entertainment system in the AB is the romantic function which is directly showed in the AB in Rio version. The AB characters seem struggle to released the locked birds, it even sacrifices themselves death to released the locking birds. Another part of the romantic side of the AB is the relationship between the gamers and the games. Take a look at the name of “Angry Birds” it shows the very deep meaning of emotional reaction when people have a strong negative feeling. Supported by the atmosphere of the games, the music, the sound effect of the mocking green pigs, or the happy freed birds, the games and the gamers are trapped in the strong emotional engagement. Especially, if the gamers are in the condition of bored, angry, or tired of their activities, the AB is likely to be a good friend to help the gamers feel better. Furthermore, the comfort feeling created by the AB leads to an addictive condition of the gamers. They might be crazy about the games.
The last entertainment system of the AB is the ironic in this game. The Angry Birds themselves represent the icon that actually breaks the society norm and rules. The AB characters called as Angry Birds, the birds which were angry. The games exactly show the illustration of anger; destroy things around the birds, vandalism. It becomes more ironic when the gamers feel so happy after shoot the bird missile to destroy the target and beat up the pig. It’s is like you were angry, and the anger leads you to do vandalism that actually might hurt you and people around you, but you get a satisfaction by doing that.
Beside the system of fictional entertainment another thing supports why AB become a huge industry under the influence of popular culture ids the planes of perception carried in this video games. The planes of perception here at least involved two perceptions which are the biopshylogical and the cultural relativism. Take a look at the biopshylogical perception, the AB itself is a reflection of the society feeling. Beside the games appeared as an alternative entertainment when people get bored of the routine or other entertainment, AB itself symbolized people life which sometime seems messy and full of emotion, but beyond everything happened there is a very detail organization of life. Just like in the AB, even we just want to destroy the place to get high score while achieving the main goal, passing the level, we need to calculate every detail of the movement. At the same time, AB reflects the emotional condition of people when they are angry, an emotional condition which has a universal picture in the world, violence. While the cultural relativism in AB clearly found in AB in Rio version from the back sound of the games and the music of the games which is adapted from the Latino music which  is identical to the Latino dance, especially Samba, that is popular around the world. In the AB with outer space setting, the setting tend to imitate the NASA imagery of outer space to create the space atmosphere which is close to the American imagery in the futuristic or outer space movie which is accepted around the world.
This condition drives AB to be more than a game people play, but place it to be a popular culture product which is globally accepted. It has what people want as the entertainment alternative, and the same times it’s what life looks like. The smart design of AB makes it widely accepted and shapes people mind that it’s exciting.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bunga Angsana dan Foto : )

Hey, bloggers…wah, sudah lama banget, nih, saya nggak mengutak – atik blog yang baru saja ganti tema ini : ). Maksud hati mau cerita soal traveling, tetapi sampai hari ini petualangan jalan – jalan yang saya pikirkan belum teruwujud. Semoga bisa teruwujud dalam beberapa hari ke depan.
Sementara belum beranjak dari kost di Salatiga hati beriman, saya menikmati awal musim hujan, sekitaran Oktober – November, yang selalu indah di kota kecil ini. Satu hal yang jarang ditemui adalah pohon angsana yang serempak berbunga setelah beberapa kali terguyur hujan. Pohon dengan kayu besar ini banyak tumbuh di tepian jalan Salatiga. Saat awal musim hujan, pohon – pohon itu akan serempak berbunga. Bunganya berwarna kuning cerah dan akan gugur ketika terkena angin. Ya, ampun! Cantik!
Karena cantiknya saya mengabadikan sedikit pemandangan lewat foto.
Ini bukan sembarang foto, seorang teman merelakan diri untuk jadi korban jepretan amatir saya.
Lokasi foto ini ada di jalan Dipokusumo, sederet dengan UKSW, tepatnya di halaman gerai makan Mbah Sendok. Hmm…makanan di tempat ini enak loOoh..tunggu cerita selanjutnya tentang kuliner disini : )
Ini beberapa fotonya…oh iya..ini special thanks to Angelina Jose yang sudah merelakan waktu bobo siangnya buat panasan dan aku foto – foto…juga untuk si Belang…kelinci lucu teman Angel yang merelakan diri…hmm..terpaksa kayaknya..untuk jadi property lucu yang hidup… : )
selama Oktober - November pemandangan kayak gini banyak di Salatiga...lebih keren kalau pagi :)

thanks ya Belang..mau ikutan difoto..sebenarnya sih maksa :p

thanks Angel..udah mau jungkir balik jadi model yang terjemur... :p

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tanabata – It’s more than just a love story

“Why do you always have a symbol of star (*) when you write something?”
Ha ha ha ha :D many people ask me this question, and I always have the same answer, “It’s because I love the story of Tanabata. Just google it!”
Yeah, I love the story of Orihime and Hikoboshi, a love story which I heard when I was in the junior high school. I didn’t know exactly the original version of this story, but this is the version I heard over and over again:
Orihime (織姫 Weaving Princess), daughter of the Tentei (天帝 Sky King, or the universe itself), wove beautiful clothes by the bank of the Amanogawa (天の川 Milky Way, lit. "heavenly river"). Her father loved the cloth that she wove and so she worked very hard every day to weave it. However, Orihime was sad that because of her hard work she could never meet and fall in love with anyone. Concerned about his daughter, Tentei arranged for her to meet Hikoboshi (彦星 Cow Herder Star) (also referred to as Kengyuu (牽牛) who lived and worked on the other side of the Amanogawa. When the two met, they fell instantly in love with each other and married shortly thereafter. However, once married, Orihime no longer would weave cloth for Tentei and Hikoboshi allowed his cows to stray all over Heaven. In anger, Tentei separated the two lovers across the Amanogawa and forbade them to meet. Orihime became despondent at the loss of her husband and asked her father to let them meet again. Tentei was moved by his daughter’s tears and allowed the two to meet on the 7th day of the 7th month if she worked hard and finished her weaving. The first time they tried to meet, however, they found that they could not cross the river because there was no bridge. Orihime cried so much that a flock of magpies came and promised to make a bridge with their wings so that she could cross the river. It is said that if it rains on Tanabata, the magpies cannot come and the two lovers must wait until another year to meet. (Taken from the Wikipedia)
Bamboo decoration - Orihime and Hikoboshi...which one is which? :p

From some other story I heard that Orihime and Hikoboshi are represented by two stars; Altair and Vega which are separated by the Milky Way Galaxy river (Amanogawa). The two stars (Altair and Vega) seem in the same position if we see them from the earth around July 7. Some of my Japanese friends told me that there’s also a belief that if we commit to a relationship in the July 7, it will be last forever. Such a beautiful story! That's why I always a star when I wrote something...SMS, email, chat..etc.. : )

In August 2012, I went to Japan and I was so lucky! Yatta! There’s a Tanabata Festival on Augustu 12 in Kyoto. I was so surprised, as I thought that the festival was only on July 7. But, Tono-chan, my Japanese friend, told me that some towns in Japan had their own local Tanabat Festival that might be held around July – August. Yokata!
The tanzakus are hung in the bamboo trees along the river

 It’s more than just a love story! When I came to the festival I could find people hung their wishes in the bamboo trees around the river in Kyoto. They wrote their wishes, some of them in the form of Japanese poem, on the tanzaku (), a small piece of paper and hanging it on the bamboo tree along the night.
The Lamps represent Amanogawa rive. Beautiful!

I was so lucky to see a beautiful Tanabata festival, moreover I went there in a very beautiful costume, yukata!
I found out that Tanabata is more than just a story of love. It’s a story of hope that shows me how beautiful life is when you have a hope, a dream. I deeply feel the beauty of Japan in its tradition through Kyoto Tanabata Festival. And I feel how beautiful life is when you have something to believe, something you are waiting for.  : )
Thanks Japan!

Tono-chan and me! :)
Dal, from Timor Leste, me, and Tono-chan. We were under the Amanogawa river decoration..yeah!